I'm dedicated to providing a safe haven for your peace of mind, whether through virtual sessions or in-person appointments..

Transform your life

Hi! I´m Marit Elisebet, and I have been working as a nurse for many dacades. I´ve helped many people during my years to find their own empowerment both spiritually and personally.

My goal is to help you find peace, so you can listen to your own answers and can begin your journey to trust the true wisdom within.

I have been looking for a shortcut to bypass the mind and be able to support clients to find their own power again so they can create life instead of just survive it.

My journey took me to many different techniques, including Introspective Hypnosis.

As we go through life we all have emotions that we haven't been able to process when we experienced the event/trauma. These raw emotions are stored in our subconscious and drive our reactions and behaviors in our current life.

A good session is when you connect to your own answers, forgive and gain a better understanding and feel a sense of relief.

I am here to help you find your own power from within yourself. So you can reconnect with what feels right for you and make conscious choices in your life, rather than just doing what is expected of you from the outside. A bit like getting more in touch with what we call your gut feeling.

I can assist you with physical and mental issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, various forms of addiction, and more. Sometimes, we get caught in a negative thought spiral, especially if we experience some more dramatic events in our lives. This can make it challenging to return to the empowering thoughts of wanting to take care of yourself in the best way.

My goal is to allow you to regain the power and awareness in your own life.

Get started with holisticspirit, today!