Let your body relax

As you tune in to your soul, connecting with your authentic wisdom


Hypnotherapy is a deep relaxation, where you are aware of everything happening, but we connect into the subconscious to access the core of what you are feeling or going through. We also retrieve your power from events you have experienced. In some cases, we might delve into what is called past lives, everything to find the root cause of what is limiting you today so you can start live your life as you dream of.

Hypnosis is a powerful toolbox to use for personal improvement. Whether it's overcoming fears, trauma, stress, anxiety, depressions, dependencies or reaction patterns, hypnosis is a proven method to reshape your inner landscape.

Have you ever wondered why certain experiences keep recurring in your life?

Entering your subconscious provides access to the map guiding your life decisions and reactions. This hidden realm influences your daily choices, reactions and through hypnosis, you can bring about profound changes.

We're working together to explore the memories that were challenging for you to handle when they occurred. Our aim is to reclaim your strength, comprehend the reasons behind those experiences, practice self-forgiveness and forgiveness towards others. By doing so, we can identify how these suppressed emotions might be hindering you in your everyday life

You can transform your life on a profound level and discover the untapped potential within you together with a new sense of freedom. Every human has the capacity to know their path to happiness.

With years of experience and a passion for helping others achieve their goals, I offer tailored hypnosis sessions designed to meet your unique needs. Each session is an uniqe journey.

Reclaim your soul´s full potential

With four decades of devoted service as a certified nurse specialist in healthcare, I have refined my skills to promote holistic well-being for body, mind, and spirit. The symptoms arising from the body or mind serve as signals, reminding us to take a pause and contemplate our overall life situation.

In my spiritual journey, I've realized that true harmony unfolds when we connect with our soul and make decisions aligned with our authentic truth. This gives us the way for a natural flow in life, where we perceive ourselves as being cared for rather than life is something we shall survive.

Authentic freedom and happiness is within us when we connect with our souls full potential.

These methods that I am working with can help you bypass the mental blockages, allowing your body and mind to relax and let whatever needs to surface, surface. Trust the process sometimes our bodies and subconscious hold more wisdom than our minds.

We all navigate through various challenges in life. We're on a collective journey, so there's no right or wrong feeling. Life itself is a classroom, teaching us through experiences.

Change requires courage - But remember, you can't change outcomes without changing your actions and thoughts.

I use tools central to holistic therapy, integrating a fusion of Eastern and Western medical practices to address the health of the body, mind, and spirit. I am working with different tools for different symtoms.

Are you ready to explore new ways of getting back to your own power of wellbeing?

Feel free to give it a shot, and if you have any questions, drop me an email. Let's embark on this journey together.

Coaching session “ The conversation was enlightening, helping me recognize what was off in my life. It provided a comforting space for my thoughts to clarify.The pre-conversation breathing exercises were helpful for focus, and Marit's blend of professionalism and shared experiences made me feel at ease and valued.

Marit's clarity in summarizing my thoughts was helpful.

I'm learning not to rush decisions but to let things unfold. The talk relieved my guilt, shifting my focus forward. I've acknowledged my worth and achievements, abandoning self-doubt. I'm now concentrating on achievable goals.

Conversations like these evoke thoughts and emotions. Marit's notion about living to learn resonated with me”


Introspective hypnotherapy session

"A secure, warm environment where one truly feels listened to." "I traveled from my childhood home after the holiday for the first time in 30 years without feeling sorrow." "It feels like the area of grief in the heart has shrunk. It's still there but feels a little less intense." "Marit has a unique ability to listen and convey a sense of security." "It became an 'aha' experience regarding the grief one carries. Now afterwards, I can somehow see myself from the outside with even more care and understanding for myself."



Introspective Hypno Therapy session

Online or in-person, this time will be spent in a deep relaxation state. This method helps dissolve lingering emotions that may have been difficult to release and process, allowing you to experience newfound freedom and joy in your everyday life.

2-3 Hours | 300 € | VIDEO RECORDED Get started

Follow up

Available online, this follow-up session is designed to support your journey . It offers an opportunity to connect with me and process the previous sessions for your continued progress

45 min | 60 € | Get started

Health and Life Coachning session

As a certified Holistic Life Coach and a nurse. I am here to support you on your self-discovery journey. Let's connect and tap into your inner wisdom, allowing the answers to shine through to your conscious mind. With this newfound awareness, you'll possess the power to make conscious choices that align with your authentic truth, guiding you on your path to a more fulfilling life and healthier life.

60 min | 120 € | Get started

Transform your life in 4 weeks

Make yourself a priority during 4 weeks !

You choose to show up where I am located to recieve a full package of hands on treatments and guidance.

This includes :

1 H | Private Yoga session | 5 times á week

1 H | Reiki Treatment | 3 times á week

1,5 H | Life Coaching session | 1 time á week

2-3 H | Hypnotheraphy session | 1 time during the 4 weeks

3500 € | Get started

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Contact me today!